Thursday, December 31, 2009
HMT-DMT Sat on a Wal

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Star Power!

Man this week has been crazy. Christmas put new miles on my car and a few pounds in my stomach. That and I finally got my laptop back up again, I installed windows 7 on it and subsequently broke every driver and given my recent addiction to Mario on the Wii I have had little time or motivation to fix it. Meanwhile I had to kick it with some odd mediums...and then eat them. God bless the bag o' Starbursts!
I did have the chance of seeing Avatar in 3d which was cool except for the plot. That and the fact that the whole movie would have been better if it were entirely cg (a la Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, another beautiful movie with a terrible plot), the live action and cg mix was an awkward juxtaposition. Other than that it was entertaining. I still don't get how they had so many feathers and not one feathery bird nor how the arrows seemed to gain in their penetration from the time they bounced off a windshield and then ten minutes later pierced it like it was made of plastic wrap. Sherlock Holmes was amazing though if only for the fact that I expected to hate it and came away with an English accent and a need for a pipe.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Movie Review!

I really can't say I hate Twilight and Twilight: Nude Moon, but that's only because I keep falling asleep every time I see it, be it at home or in the theater. What I will review however is the crowds at the theater. Never ever ever sit on the end of a row lest you enjoy your slumber punctuated by the stampeding hooves of women as they herd themselves through the aisles in pairs of twos in search of a restroom to void their bladders the size of an Altoids can. Never ever ever ever get there on time or early for the films in theaters unless you desperately wish to stand in line and hear every Jonas Brothers song filtered through the woefully underpowered cell phone speakers forming a cacophony of tin flavored sonance akin to what hell must sound like. And finally never ever x 1,000,000 interject with polar ideology or criticism of the Twilight series at a premier of Twilight, it's much like screaming "HAN SHOT SECOND!" at a Star Wars Convention.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Bizzaro de Beardo

The Little Marmaid poster

*Queue deep raspy voice* In a world where the earth has outgrown its resources, mankind has been forced to travel to Mars to make it its new home and a teraforming team is sent to establish a new colony dedicated to making mars a habitable environment. One day the earth President's son begins a small trek to the Noachian epoch to research possible water deposits underneath the surface only to find himself gasping for consciousness when he accidentally crashed through the surface into an untapped natural water channel and begins to be unmercifully dragged by torrential currents through the tunnels. Aegle was princess of the martian marmaids, an mythical underwater species surviving in the glacial undercurrents of mars' undiscovered submerged caverns. She was destined to live a life of obscurity under the martian soil until she saw a peculiar unconscious creature discarded by the currents into an underwater eddy. Unlike any creature she had seen she knew it was in danger and braved the currents to his place of origins, depositing him on the dry land from whence he came where his Digital Obedient Guardian brought him back to his colony to search for the one who saved him.
Indelibly changed by the incident, Aegle wishes to become a human as well. Aided by the witch queen she must now must choose to gamble with her very life in exchange for a chance to be something extraordinary.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Pt 2: The Bearded Wonder

Monday, November 30, 2009
Bearded Venom

"We'll SMASH The Competition!"

Only God knows what inspires me and this is a perfect example. A business card for Mr. Fixit, Hulk's alter alter ego. I never realized how similar he is to Solomon Grundy from DC.
Flip yer Nose...

A new Nose Art I did of Asajj Ventress for Super Punch. I put all the severed hand marks but in reality the whole ship would be covered in 'em, Star Wars must have a tie in with the prosthetic limb industry.

And here's Nose Art for my favorite show, Firefly. Long live the Browncoats (And Carmen San Diego who I threw in there because of my nostalgic mid life crisis.)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Who is this man?
I was in the local Wal-Mart waiting out my wife as she search for such frivolous items as shampoo and toilet paper when I saw the Iron Monger toy.
At first I gave it a simple once over wondering who in their right mind would want a Jeff Bridges toy (unless it was based off of Fearless with a strawberry accessory and swelling trachea action) until I looked at the back and saw him on the back...or whoever he was that was stealing his ride.
Seriously, is that Uncle Ben?

Monday, November 9, 2009
Snow fight

Friday, October 30, 2009
Even monsters care about the earth.

A couple of signs I made for Halloween to get into the whole earth savin spirit. Did you know Zombies have a greatly reduced carbon footprint?
Someone's sapin' my mighty mugg!

I recently did a custom toy for my friend Lou's big 30th birthday. Since he's a jerk and likes to kill (while INVISIBLE!) me in Team Fortress 2, I decided to make him a toy of his very own. I also made the box and backplatting, thanks mighty muggs! Click here for the flickr pool.
team fortress
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Boba Fett is... IN DIGESTION!

Super Zeros: Hulk Vs. Wolverine

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Scribble Dead

Monday, August 24, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This is my fondest moment, running like a juggernaut, crushing foes beneath my feet hearing their pleads for mercy, riiiight before running off a cliff.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Support the fight!

A submission for the Captain America theme for Art Jumble. I chose to do a propaganda poster against the villany of the Red Skull.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Cyclops: Redesign

The effects of a Wolverine marathon are becoming apparent. This time it is a small revision of cyclops allowing him to redirect his optical blast into his feet (for limited flight) and hands (for pummelin'). Oh and a trigger which uses brain wave patterns to operate (no more switch on the side of his head).
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wolverine redesign

Deadpool: Reimagined

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Gone Campin'

My new spray for Team Fortress 2, for those days when I just feel like camping around the grate and fishin' fer noobs.
team fortress
Monday, July 13, 2009
If Superman never left Kansas...

My submission for "Rednecks" O'er at Art Jumble.
Faster than a paternity test!
More powerful than an F10 Truck!
Able to tip cattle at a single push!
Look up in sky relieving himself in the field! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Super Bro!"
Click das pic for a bigger version.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The case of two Cutlers
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
The two Kutas

*sniff* my tablet bit the dust today, literally, the exhaust fan is broken and I have to order a new one, poor dusty soul. Anyhoo, until that glorious day in which it returns, I am just messing around with the ol' macbook and trying to finish some half baked ideas, forcing myself to stop trying to draw on the screen with a bic pen.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009
For whom the bell tolls

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Team Fortress 2 Greeting Cards Inc.

A get well card I made for my friend and fellow teammate. Click on the pics for the large printable version. I'd like to make more, maybe in the future. Maybe a "Sorry You Got Teabagged" card.
team fortress
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Too soon...