Monday, August 9, 2010

Leaked Verizon iPhone screenshot!

Seriously, anyone else tired of hearing about the Verizon iPhone? I waited 2 years on the big red waiting for such a miracle before finally switching to Cingu...AT&T.

Update: I just got this new screenshot. This phone is going to be amazing!


GreenEyedMenace said...

Almost as tired as I am of hearing Verizon referred to as "Big Red".

Anonymous said...

Umm, this is nothing more than a 4th grade level PhotoShop creation. If you honestly believe this is legit, then you're insane.

Jace Sheppard said...

I think that's the point, BeaufordsBeats. It's a parody...snow in hell....

Unknown said...

why would a new iPhone from apple be a 320x480 resolution. a Verizon 4G iPhone would most certainly be using the retina display which would make the resolution of the screenshot 640x960... smells fake to me

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhh. Some of you people need to get outside and join the real world for a few minutes. This is a joke!!! A cold day in Hell, get it? My hope for the future of this world continues to diminish thanks to you morons.

Unknown said...

NOT a cold day in hell ...
"when hell freezes over"

Austin said...

yeah, its called FakeCarrier, found in Cydia after you jailbreak. LOL my cousin had his iPhone carrier saying verizon and told everyone he was running 3G (because where i live verizon has access to 3G towers and At&t does not....not really that cool lol) and it literally had that same verizon carrier up there, and he themed the edge logo (just an E) to say 3G like he was really on, but he was just on edge...."BIG RED" will get the iPhone sometime, sure, but this is nowhere near legit.

Austin said...

oh, and confirmed, you can get a theme for 3G/Edge logo to say "4G" lol so this is DEFINITELY doable, give me 10 minutes and ill have you a verizon iphone 4g. WINK WINK

das chupa said...

Wow, I have never laughed so hard as I did when I read the comments at tuaw. It's hilarious that people can spend so many words on why it is fake and not read the paragraph below.

Anyhoo, yes this is an obvious fake made with photoshop in a few minutes, except I had to piece the stupid thing together. I don't know if is global warming or what, but when I tried to find a subzero snowing place I struck out, even in Iceland (I am suing for false advertisement)!

Thanks for comin by though, glad to see that some of you got the joke.

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